God save USA: my personal consideration about announced UK referendum to quit EU

What happens when somebody, at once, decides that a particular political leader is a dictator? And which is the consequence of this action when somebody is named France-UK and that particular political leader is not actually a person but an entire country? Well, it really depends. I think that if the country at issue is Libya, it happens that maybe its people are not fully satisfied that somebody came from abroad to "save them", and if a former great country - Italy - is close to this war stage the consequences are even more dramatic.
Last 11th September US ambassador to Libya -Chris Stevens - was killed by Islamic local terrorists. Few days ago, Italian consul in Benghazi was attacked by an armed group while he was on board of his car getting back home. He escaped unscathed. My doubts are many. In particular I don't really understand how France-UK, for me are an almost unique country, especially as a result of their agreement through which they share their navy, took the military leadership in Europe. They of course have the right to consider a particular state as threatening for their security. But they cannot "force" US and NATO members to intervene in such a conflict just because they are not able to carry out what they started.
Referring to US, my sensation is that they had to help France-UK in order to avoid a catastrophe. About Italy it had intervened as it was requested by US which take advantage for its Sicilian military base -Sigonella - to control Mediterranean area.
To sum up this is the situation, France-UK set wars without being able to carry out them and ask for help to "mama" US and NATO - basically EU's countries plus Turkey and Canada - but then it doesn't want to contribute for European development and threat to leave this international consensus, after they have been receiving a lot both in terms of military and economic benefits, see common European market. At the end of the day, God save USA, they have been saving our asses since Hitler's time!


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